Being a neurospicy mum over 40 — neurospicy

7 tips for managing sensory overwhelm this summer.

Posted by kerry dibble on

7 tips for managing sensory overwhelm this summer.

This hot weather can be a challenge for anyone. If you are someone who struggles with sensory issues, and you also have a toddler constantly touching you and creating noise, it can become even more challenging.

Here are 7 tips to help you manage this summer.

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Is there a link between neurodiversity, being queer and being a board gamer?

Posted by kerry dibble on

Is there a link between neurodiversity, being queer and being a board gamer?

"That's not a neuro diverse trait, I do that. All my friends at the board game group do that! Oh...wait...." Seem familiar?

How about " Who's even straight anymore? I'm sure most of my gaming group are at least bi-curious". Why is that??

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