Being a neurospicy mum over 40 — pregnant over 40
The worst thing about the first trimester
Posted by kerry dibble on
- Tags: advanced maternal age, first trimester, geriatric pregnancy, mature pregnancy, pregnancy journey, pregnancy journey over 40, pregnancy problems, pregnant over 40
Trying to conceive over 40 with a neurospicy brain
Posted by kerry dibble on
- Tags: mum life over 40, neurodivergent mum, neurospicy mum, pregnancy journey over 40, pregnant over 40, trying to conceive, ttc journey, ttc over 40
Breastfeeding over 40 : what's in it for you?
Posted by kerry dibble on
- Tags: breastfeeding, breastmilk questions, geriatric pregnancy, mum life over 40, mums over 40, older mums, pregnant over 40
Am I middle aged?
Posted by kerry dibble on