Being a neurospicy mum over 40 — pregnancy journey

I'm not fat, I'm pregnant...ok, so maybe a little fat.

Posted by kerry dibble on

I'm not fat, I'm pregnant...ok, so maybe a little fat.
First off, let's talk about the "Is she pregnant or did she just have a big lunch?" phase....

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Gender reveals and baby showers - yay or nay?

Posted by kerry dibble on

Gender reveals and baby showers - yay or nay?
Hey neurospicy parents. What are your views on culturally expected things such as gender reveal parties and baby showers?

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The worst thing about the first trimester

Posted by kerry dibble on

The worst thing about the first trimester
"The first trimester is often accompanied by a multitude of well known symptoms, such as morning sickness, fatigue, breast tenderness, and mood swings, but there are also lesser known symptoms to navigate....all whilst being expected to act like normal, look after older children, go to work each day etc"

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10 Worries and Doubts Women Face When Trying to Conceive Over 40

Posted by kerry dibble on

10 Worries and Doubts Women Face When Trying to Conceive Over 40
As women venture into their 40s, the already nerve wracking decision to conceive can be accompanied by a plethora of unique new worries and doubts, such as (but not limited to)...

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