Being a neurospicy mum over 40 — neurodivergent

Is there a link between neurodiversity, being queer and being a board gamer?

Posted by kerry dibble on

Is there a link between neurodiversity, being queer and being a board gamer?

"That's not a neuro diverse trait, I do that. All my friends at the board game group do that! Oh...wait...." Seem familiar?

How about " Who's even straight anymore? I'm sure most of my gaming group are at least bi-curious". Why is that??

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Am I middle aged?

Posted by kerry dibble on

Am I middle aged?
Do you ever find yourself standing over your slow cooker, in your house that you organise, pay for, clean, run, with your kids tucked up safe in bed and your long term partner in the next room, and just think to yourself...."shit...when did this happen!?"

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