Being a neurospicy mum over 40 — neurospicy mum

Should toddler bed time = Mummy bed time?

Posted by kerry dibble on

Should toddler bed time = Mummy bed time?

Do you go to bed at the same time as your toddler? Do you find it affects your relationship with your partner, your friends, your older kids, or your sense of self identity?

As a neurospicy mum I suffer chronic overwhelm if I do not get some time to myself, or just to do the things that I find fun/relaxing/grounding. Having a toddler on my body all day AND all night is just too much, and causes me to become overstimulated and impatient (not my best mum self).

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The Woman's Mental Load: Why you always forget your tea!

Posted by kerry dibble on

The Woman's Mental Load: Why you always forget your tea!
I recently made a silly little tiktok about reminding mums to finish making/drinking their tea, and the response it received made me realise just how much of a thing this is. But why is that??

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7 tips for managing sensory overwhelm this summer.

Posted by kerry dibble on

7 tips for managing sensory overwhelm this summer.

This hot weather can be a challenge for anyone. If you are someone who struggles with sensory issues, and you also have a toddler constantly touching you and creating noise, it can become even more challenging.

Here are 7 tips to help you manage this summer.

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How to survive parent toddler parties!

Posted by kerry dibble on

How to survive parent toddler parties!

Some rich bloke is getting a new hat and this is apparently cause for celebration, so off we all go to sit on tiny sticky chairs and make small talk in a room full of chaos.

Sounds fun right? 

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Am I middle aged?

Posted by kerry dibble on

Am I middle aged?
Do you ever find yourself standing over your slow cooker, in your house that you organise, pay for, clean, run, with your kids tucked up safe in bed and your long term partner in the next room, and just think to yourself...."shit...when did this happen!?"

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